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5 days ago

That was one for the books! Bomb techno performances from all artists, I Hate Models - 999999999 - Yasmin Gardezi and all support acts Cirkle, ATÉ & Salin.

Amazing atmosphere and energy from the crowd in Athens like always... You're our heart & soul. Thank you all for dancing with us... till the next one... 🙏❤ Photo credits: @alexpetsavas #Ihatemodels #999999999 #yasmingardezi #blendathens #seds #vlct #velocityarena #athens #technomusic ... See MoreSee Less

That was one for the books! Bomb techno performances from all artists, I Hate Models - 999999999 - Yasmin Gardezi and all support acts Cirkle, ATÉ & Salin. 

Amazing atmosphere and energy from the crowd in Athens like always... Youre our heart & soul. Thank you all for dancing with us... till the next one... 🙏❤ 

Photo credits: @alexpetsavas 

#Ihatemodels #999999999 #yasmingardezi #blendathens #seds #vlct #velocityarena #athens #technomusicImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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Lyrics from "Modern Talking" 😂💗

6 days ago

Saturday, 7 June 2025

Sasha & John Digweed - Nick Warrenat Bolivar Beach BarBolivar & Blend invite you to an unforgettable night with Sasha b2b John Digweed and Nick Warren! The 3 legends are coming to take you on a journey with atmospheric beats and dynamic dj sets, in an experience not to be missed! Support from Steph//Bolivar & Blend σας προσκαλούν να ζήσετε μια ανεπανάληπτη νύχτα με τους κορυφαίους Sasha b2b John Digweed και Nick Warren! Οι 3 θρύλοι έρχονται για να σας ταξιδέψουν με ατμοσφαιρικά beats και δυναμικά dj set, σε μια εμπειρία που δεν πρέπει να χάσετε! Μαζί τους ο StephΕΙΣΙΤΗΡΙΑ ΔΙΑΘΕΣΙΜΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ MORE.COM / TICKETS AVAILABLE ATΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΕΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ / MORE #johndigweed #nickwarren #blendathens #bolivarbeachbar #athens #greece ... See MoreSee Less

Saturday, 7 June 2025
Sasha & John Digweed - Nick Warren
at Bolivar Beach Bar

Bolivar & Blend invite you to an unforgettable night with Sasha b2b John Digweed and Nick Warren! The 3 legends are coming to take you on a journey with atmospheric beats and dynamic dj sets, in an experience not to be missed! Support from Steph


Bolivar & Blend σας προσκαλούν να ζήσετε μια ανεπανάληπτη νύχτα με τους κορυφαίους Sasha b2b John Digweed και Nick Warren! Οι 3 θρύλοι έρχονται για να σας ταξιδέψουν με ατμοσφαιρικά beats και δυναμικά dj set, σε μια εμπειρία που δεν πρέπει να χάσετε! Μαζί τους ο Steph



#sasha #johndigweed #nickwarren #blendathens #bolivarbeachbar #athens #greece

11 CommentsComment on Facebook

Amazing ✨️

φύγαμε!!!αντε γεια!!!

Αυτό είναι ...gathering!!!

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6 days ago

Highlights from Oddity Club with our beloved techno artist Chris Liebing exploding Athens for one more time...

Thank you all for your energy & support ❤️🙏Photo credits: Alexandros Petsavas#chrisliebing #blendathens #oddityclub #technomusic #athens #greece ... See MoreSee Less

Highlights from Oddity Club with  our beloved techno artist Chris Liebing exploding Athens for one more time... 

Thank you all for your energy & support ❤️🙏

Photo credits: Alexandros Petsavas

#chrisliebing #blendathens #oddityclub #technomusic #athens #greeceImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment
6 days ago

... See MoreSee Less

1 week ago

PAWSA at SantAnna, Mykonos

Get ready for an unforgettable night of tech house magic under the stars on Thursday, August 14th. Tickets on sale NOW!MORE #pawsa #mykonos2025 #SummerVibes ... See MoreSee Less

PAWSA at SantAnna, Mykonos

Get ready for an unforgettable night of tech house magic under the stars on Thursday, August 14th. Tickets on sale NOW!


#SantAnnaMykonos #PAWSA #Mykonos2025 #SummerVibes
1 week ago

Blend with Ilario Alicante at Cavo Paradiso, Mykonos

The Italian maestro Ilario Alicante comes back to move us οn the dancefloor for another season on the 3rd of July and the 12th of August! Don’t miss this out!Tickets & Table Reservations: are not transferable or amendable-Last Minute Table Reservations: +30 694 8504989 (WhatsApp available) less than 10 days prior to event.#cavoparadisoclub #blendathens #ilarioalicante #mykonosnightlife #clubbing #mykonos #cavoparadiso ... See MoreSee Less

Blend with Ilario Alicante at Cavo Paradiso, Mykonos

The Italian maestro Ilario Alicante comes back to move us οn the dancefloor for another season on the 3rd of July and the 12th of August! Don’t miss this out!

Tickets & Table Reservations:
-Tickets are not transferable or amendable-
Last Minute Table Reservations: +30 694 8504989 (WhatsApp available) less than 10 days prior to event.

#cavoparadisoclub #blendathens #ilarioalicante #mykonosnightlife #clubbing #mykonos #cavoparadiso
2 weeks ago


Το Blend κληρώνει 2 x διπλές VIP προσκλήσεις για το event με τους:(a-z)999999999I HATE MODELSYasmin GardeziΣάββατο, 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2025Κλειστό Παλαιού Φαλήρου (Tae Kwon Do)・Παλαιό Φάληρο・ΑθήναΑπό: 23:00 - 08:00Για να πάρεις μέρος είναι σημαντικό να ακολουθήσεις τα παρακάτω βήματα:1. LIKE σε αυτό το post 2. COMMENT & TAG τους φίλους που θα ήθελες να έρθουν μαζί σου με το hashtag #blendathens - Όσα περισσότερα COMMENTS κάνεις τόσο μεγαλύτερες πιθανότητες έχεις να κερδίσεις.- Η κλήρωση θα γίνει 31/01.ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ: Η κλήρωση ΔΕΝ θα θεωρηθεί έγκυρη εαν ο νικητής δεν έχει συμπληρώσει και τα δύο παραπάνω βήματα και θα γίνει νέα επιλογή νικητή !!Blend gives away 2 x double VIP passes for the event with:(a-z)999999999I HATE MODELSYasmin GardeziSaturday, 1 February 2025Faliro Sports Pavilion (Tae Kwon Do)・Paleo Faliro・AthensFrom: 23:00 - 08:00To take part to the competition is important to follow the following steps:1. LIKE this post2. COMMENT & TAG all your friends you wish to attend with using this hashtag #blendathens - Τhe more COMMENTS you make the biggest the odds you have to win.- The draw date is on 31/01.IMPORTANT: The draw will NOT be considered as valid if the winner hasn’t completed both of the above steps and new winner will be chosen !!#Ihatemodels #999999999 #yasmingardezi #blendathens #seds #vlct #velocityarena #athens #technomusic ... See MoreSee Less

472 CommentsComment on Facebook

Οι νικητές του διαγωνισμού είναι / The winners of the giveaway are: 1. Tereza Kyria 2. Jilda Vogli Παρακαλούμε τους νικητές να επικοινωνήσουν μαζί μας μέσω dm για να τους ενημερώσουμε για το πως θα παραλάβουν τις προσκλήσεις τους. Σας ευχαριστούμε! We kindly ask the winners to contact us via dm with our page in order to let them now how to receive their free passes. Thank you all!

Maria Loubounaki #blendathens

Giannis Viglis #blendathens

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